In the mise en scene of a horror film there are many different factors that contribute to reinforce the genre and its purposes. One example of a contribution to the mise en scene could be setting. Locations like a wood or forest and a cabin could be a good contribution to a horror film. This would be because of how it can emphasise the tension that is being built throughout the film and cause a frightening atmosphere. The locations that are used are stereo-typically cut off from society with no contact and in the middle of no where. As there is no help that can be found in a fast period of time, this then adds to the alarming atmosphere of the film. If there was help available the film would be a lot less scary. An example of a film that's location is important for the story line and also the following films that were made after it would be 'Friday the 13th'. In this film the setting is a forest. By using the forest it creates a stranded atmosphere, and makes the characters feel as if they are lost and cannot escape. This particular location is mostly used at night. Due to the limited lighting it reinforces the atmosphere as terrifying and creates a more easy way of using the technique of jump-scares as there are a lot of trees that are in the forest that can be used to hide behind. Some horror films can be set in haunted houses of the characters therefore this would be seen as a little more personal to the audience because they would be able to relate to the characters.
Props are used throughout the horror films and they are really important for emphasising the genre and atmosphere of the film. Different props are used for different sub-genre horror films because what props are used depends on the story line and the plot. Props can range from a weapon like a gun to a spiritual artefact like a cross or bible. In a possession film the props that are most likely to be used would be things like a cross or a bible. This is because these props can contribute in the religion side of things throughout the film as well as the faith. An example of a possession type film that uses these kind of props would be 'The Exorcist'. This film is jam-packed with props to reinforce the loss of faith within the character. Another popular prop that is used in many different horror films could be weapons. Different types of weapons would be used in different sub-genres of a horror film. A weapon that would be used in an action horror would mostly be a gun. Guns would connote the violence that is taking place in the film and would add to the tense atmosphere. An example of a action horror that uses many guns to create a violent atmosphere would be 'The Purge.' Another type of weapon that is frequently used throughout other violent horror films would be a knife, a machete or a chainsaw. These weapons would usually be seen used in a slasher film to add to the gore affect. This type of weapon will associate with the antagonist in the film and would connect the weapon automatically to the villain. Weapons like this would not stereo-typically be used by the victim as it makes the antagonist look more crazy. A prop like a gun could be used by the victim in a horror film and this would only be for self defence which would make the audience feel sorry for the victim as they are only defending their life. An few examples of films that reinforce the weapon of a knife, saw of a machete could be 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre', 'Friday the 13th' and 'Halloween.'
Lighting and Colours-
The lighting in horror films play a huge role into adding to the mysterious atmosphere of the genre. The most popular used lighting would be dark, dimmed or mysterious. This is used to create a sense of surrounding for the character and helps to emphasise and enlarge jump-scares that will occur in the film or scene. Darkness has a huge impact on the characters in the film as they are unable to identify what is lurking within darkness, which would then furthermore add to the unknown atmosphere. The dark is also a very common fear for many different people therefore the usage of it is a play off of the common and generalised fears of the public. Without the dark affect in lighting, it would not be as near scary as when it would be dark. A bright lighting would not contribute to the atmosphere that is created.
For colours there are three main generalised colours that are used in different sub genre horror film. In a slasher horror film, the colour red will be used frequently. This is because the colour red connotes the amount of blood that appears in the film. It also portrays the danger in the film and foreshadows the death that is going to occur. In a stereo-typical horror film, the colours that are used most frequently are black and white. These colours are used to contrast the context of the horror film as good vs evil, pure and lost and hero and villain. The colour white on its own represents purity so when used in a horror film would portray a virgin character that is innocent and pure. Or it could represent the heroic character of the film. Lastly the use of black in a horror film clearly represents the the darkness side of the film which portrays the loss of soul.
Hair, make up and costume-
These three features all contribute into helping shape the character's personality and it will give an automatic representation whether they are good or bad in the plot. It will also determine the style of the character straight away for the audience. There is generalised costumes to suit frequently used characters in different horror films. For example a white dress will be worn on a little girl in a horror film. The girl will usually have black, tattered and messy hair that does not look washed or done. The make up in horror films also help tp identify the antagonist within the film. Certain features of the character can automatically identify the antagonist and proagonist. There is a lot of blood used in make up in horror fims because this is a connotation of danger an death. Disfigured faces are used frequently within horror films to scare the audience and signify how the story is going to be layed out. Sweat, scars and cuts on a protgonists face can tell the audience that the character has gone througha journey and they will knw the struggles of the charater.
Here is an embedded video that has mise en scene that sets the scene of the film and shows the audience what the film is going to be based around- The Woman in Black;
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